Monday, November 20, 2017

Who Needs a Smile Makeover?

When you’re not happy with your smile, that dissatisfaction can affect other areas of your life, too. You might not feel confident enough to engage with new people or speak in public. You might avoid smiling in public or in photos. You might even cover your mouth when you smile, laugh or talk. If this describes you, it might be time to make over your smile.

A smile makeover incorporates a variety of restorative and cosmetic treatments to give you the smile you have always wanted. At your consultation, you will spend time with our Northridge cosmetic dentist explaining what you do and do not like about your smile. We will explain your options and how they can change your smile. Many treatments can be incorporated into a makeover, including whitening, veneers, crowns, tooth-colored fillings and implants.

You might need a makeover if you:

·        Have suffered oral trauma
·        Have had inadequate dental care in the past
·        Grind or clench your teeth
·        Have orthodontic problems or an uneven bite
·        Have serious dental problems, such as chipped, cracked or decayed teeth
·        Have stained or badly discolored teeth
·        Are missing teeth
·        Suffer from acid reflux

Other issues can also lead to the need for a makeover. Call us today to learn more about cosmetic dentistry or to schedule an appointment with our team.

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