Thursday, November 23, 2017

How to Fight Gum Disease

Taking care of your teeth and gums is a top priority. More than 75 percent of Americans over the age of 35 have some type of gum disease. Gum and periodontal disease describe a bacterial growth and production of factors that eventually destroy the tissue surrounding the teeth. When this happens, the teeth decay and fall out. Simply following good oral hygiene routine everyday can help you avoid tooth decay. It’s important to be mindful of plaque and other factors such as bacteria that can cause the gums and teeth to become unhealthy.

Brushing and flossing the teeth every day can help keep plaque for building up on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a colorless sticky film that can wreak havoc on your mouth causing the gums to become irritated, swell and even bleed. If left untreated, patients can lose their teeth because bone and connective tissue become destroyed. Arming yourself with the knowledge to fight plaque and bacteria will help keep your gums and teeth as healthy as possible.

Gingivitis is also a symptom of this disease. In the early stages of gingivitis, the gums become red and swollen and easily bleed especially during brushing. Left untreated, this can turn into periodontitis. The inner layer of the gum and bone recede and form pockets. These pockets can become infected as they collect debris. Other signs of periodontitis are loose or shifting teeth, changes in the way the teeth fit together on biting and persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth. However, these issues along with others, are very preventable.

If you are not consistent with good oral hygiene but you have no symptoms, you may still have some form of gum issue. Some patients have isolated problems in the back of the mouth where they cannot see. Our dentists can recognize and determine the severity of these issues during a routine visit. During an exam, our experts will check for swelling, firmness and bleeding along with movement and sensitivity of the teeth. Your bite may also be looked at in case it has shifted. X-rays can also determine the breakdown of bone around the teeth.

When you brush and floss twice a day and get professional cleanings at our office at least twice a year, your gums and teeth will thank you. You can actually reverse the early stages of this disease by being diligent with your oral health so that you can keep your teeth for a lifetime. Schedule an appointment with us today.

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