Monday, November 20, 2017

How Dental Bonding Restores Teeth

A slightly damaged tooth might not seem serious enough to make a big difference to your smile, but it can affect your smile’s aesthetics and function. That chip can collect plaque and debris, and because it’s difficult to clean, the tooth will be more likely to decay. A little crack can absorb stains and create an unsightly situation. Dental bonding can prevent these issues and make your smile look new again.

Bonding is a versatile cosmetic and restorative procedure as well as one of the most affordable and minimally invasive treatment options that we offer. To perform bonding, we apply composite resin to the tooth to repair and restore it. The resin is cured in a way that creates a strong chemical bond with the dental enamel.

You might be a candidate for bonding if you have:

·        A chipped tooth
·        A small crack in your tooth
·        A gap between your teeth
·        A small cavity
·        Stains
·        Exposed tooth roots
·        A misshapen tooth

We can finish bonding a tooth in a single dental appointment. Once the bonding is complete, you can get the most out of it by caring for your restored tooth just like you care for your other teeth. Call our East LA dentist today to learn more about restoration options or to schedule an appointment.

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