Saturday, November 18, 2017

How is Invisalign Made?

Are you self-conscious about the state of your teeth? Do you wish there were a way to straighten them out without needing to resort to an ugly, clunky set of metal bracket braces? Are you an adult who feels like it’s too late for your smile?

Your worries are about to become a thing of the past; we’ve helped hundreds of adult patients improve their smiles without the use of traditional braces. Invisalign is a clear alignment retainer that works all night and day to straighten your teeth while you’re free to enjoy the foods and activities you loved before starting the program.

How are they made? In recent years, a technological phenomenon called 3D printing seems to have taken the world of material manufacturing by storm, but it’s actually been around since as early as the eighties. Invisalign utilizes this technology to guarantee your retainers will do exactly what your dentist wants them to throughout the course of your treatment plan; our patented material is engineered to be up to two hundred percent more reliable in terms of mapping out those precise movements so crucial to achieving the perfect smile.

Your Invisalign specialist will use an iTero scanner to get a complete image of your mouth. After that, physical impressions will be made to supplement the information gathered by the scan, and then both will be sent to a dental lab where technicians will follow your dentist’s instructions in terms of what needs improvement. They will use both the impressions and the scan in conjuncture with the 3D printing technology to create your own customized Invisalign alignment retainer, ready for you to use.

If you’re just about ready to give up hope when it comes to your teeth, give our office a call. We’ll match you with a highly-trained LAInvisalign doctor who will be able to guide you along the path of success.

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