Thursday, November 2, 2017

Can I Get Dental Implants?

Before dental implants, most restorations were either dentures or bridges. These had the drawbacks of feeling and sometimes looking too artificial. There was no real way to seamlessly put teeth back in the jaw. The advent of implants did not make dentures and bridges obsolete, since there are plenty of cases where they apply. But implants did make it easier to replace teeth with style and naturalism. 
The implant process is driven by the chief element in the implant itself: titanium. Its high compatibility with human bone gives the implant its permanence. A biomechanical process called osseointegration bonds the implant with the bone, and gives the implant its 98 percent success rate. Only rare occurrences like allergy cause the implant to reject.
But how do you know if you can get dental implants? They’re not for everyone, simply because it’s a surgical procedure that needs a strong surgical site. For implants, this means lots of quality jawbone. Plenty of people have bone erosion from tooth loss, tooth decay, periodontal disease, trauma, illness, or genetics. If your jaw doesn’t have enough volume, you may not qualify for dental implants.
There are procedures to ready you for implants. You may qualify for a sinus lift, for example, or a bone graft. At your consult, ask your dental implants expert in Huntington Beach for more about these.
Once you get dental implants, as long as you care for them with normal brushing and flossing techniques, they should last a lifetime. Implants provide the same look and feel as the natural teeth they replace.
You can get a single implant for a single loss, or multiple implants for multiple losses. In some cases, implants are combined with dentures or bridges to simplify treatment. Implants make the plate or bridge more secure and improve the visual element.
Contact our Huntington Beach dentist today.

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