Sunday, November 12, 2017

When Do You Need Tooth Whitening?

“Are you insecure about your yellowing teeth? It may comfort you to know that you are not alone – teeth whitening is the #1 most-requested cosmetic service in the United States, and the number of procedures done every year continues to climb. Most assume it’s costly and invasive, but oftentimes this is not the case. To understand what is best for your own particular case, it’s good to take a look at the facts first.

Discoloration of the teeth is a natural and inevitable part of the aging process, no matter how meticulously one works to prevent it.  One misconception is the idea that it is always the outer enamel that darkens, when in reality it could also be the inner core of the tooth called the dentin.  This gives us two potential problems to diagnose: the state of the inside, and the state of the outside. Therefore, there are two types of treatment options available to somebody looking to improve the appearance of their smile: intrinsic for the dentin, and extrinsic for the enamel.

Your approach and plan of attack will depend heavily on the nature of the original issue. Superficial enamel stains from things like coffee and wine are easily solved with the use of whitening and polishing toothpaste. Discoloration of the inner tooth will require the use of a bleaching agent to rectify.

Whitening your teeth doesn’t have to break the bank or exhaust all your patience. If you notice your teeth are discolored, talk to a professional; they’ll be able to tell you whether the stains are on the surface or deeper inside. If you’re unsure, give us a call; our office is home to some of the best teeth whitening dentists in the Los Angeles area.”

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