Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How Braces Work

If you have crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, there are a variety of options to help straighten your teeth including braces and retainers. Schedule an appointment with our dentist to talk about the options available to you. Depending on the severity of your orthodontic issue will depend on the treatments used.

If you opt for traditional straightening, your orthodontist can prescribe an appliance specific to your needs. Traditional braces involve brackets that are cemented to the tops of every tooth and connected by wires. The teeth slowly move into the correct position over time. This treatment can take anywhere from 6 months to a couple years to complete depending on your needs.

As the teeth move into place, the bone changes shape as pressure is applied. The brackets are like handles holding the arch wires that move the teeth into the correct position. You will visit your dental professional monthly to get these brackets and wires tightened as the teeth move and shift. Some of the adjustments might cause soreness in the mouth, however over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol can help relieve the pain.

There are several types of braces including stainless steel, tooth-colored ceramic or even plastic aligners. The plastic aligner option is very popular because they are almost invisible and removable. However, this option is not meant for everyone. Treatments are also available to both children and adults. The main differences between these treatments are that certain corrections in adults may require more than just braces alone.

In addition to brackets and wires, elastics or rubber bands can be used between the upper and lower teeth. They apply pressure to move the upper teeth against the lower teeth to make sure the bite is properly aligned. Headgear is also an additional gadget used to move the upper molars back in the mouth. Not everyone will need headgear however. This will depend on the severity of your orthodontic needs.

There’s also a new option called “mini-braces” which are much smaller than traditional ones and may be an option for certain people. Discuss all these options with your dental professional so you can achieve the best smile possible. No matter which option you choose, the treatment is progressive and will take some time for the teeth to shift into the right place. Rest assure that you will end up with a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. 

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