Friday, October 2, 2015

Can Smoking Cause Black Gums?

Black gums can be the result of either genetic factors or lifestyle factors. Although they are frequently hereditary, some people with lighter-colored gums develop black gum tissue over time. This is most commonly due to lifestyle habits, such as frequently in-taking stain-causing substances. Anything that can stain your teeth can also stain your gums, including smoking.

Black gums due to smoking are common, especially with those who are avid and frequent smokers. Fortunately, there are treatment options. When you smoke, the tar in the cigarettes can stain teeth, gums and even fingers. Gum lightening treatments can bleach the tar-stained gum tissue and restore your naturally pink gums for a more attractive smile. We offer a permanent gum lightening treatment to get your gums pink again, as well as keep them pink.

Unfortunately, smoking can do more than just darken your gums. It can also increase your risk of gum disease, tooth loss, jawbone loss, bad breath, oral inflammation and a higher risk of oral cancer. You may be more likely to develop plaque buildup and be in need of a root canal therapy. Chewing tobacco is not a safer choice when it comes to your smile, as this can also cause gum discoloration.

Many people are not yet ready to kick that habit, but for the health of your oral tissues, teeth, and general health you should cease these habits as soon as possible. However, we can give you the brighter smile you want until you are ready. Call us today to schedule your consultation.

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