Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Benefits of Dental Sedation

Dental sedation ranks alongside anesthesia as a great advancement toward tolerable dental care for all patients. While sedation is often praised for eliminating fear of dental treatment, this service can also enable dental care for individuals with a variety of neurological conditions. Furthermore, benefits of sedation extend to long-term oral health support.

Issues Benefiting from Dental Sedation

Patients with anxiety or phobias associated with dental treatment are among the most common beneficiaries of sedation. However, certain neurological disorders can also interfere with treatment by promoting involuntary movements, agitation or both. Examples of such disorders that may warrant sedation are autism and cerebral palsy.

How Sedation Promotes Oral Health

Anxiety and neurological disorders may cause patients to avoid the necessary checkups and treatment, resulting in emergence of new dental problems and the worsening of existing ones. With sedation from our West Hollywood dentist, patients can more easily receive the care they need to preserve their oral and overall health for a lifetime.

Our sedation dentist in West Hollywood is trained and licensed to use sedation safely. To determine candidacy for inhaled, oral or IV sedation choices, patients should discuss their medical history with our dentist. A consultation can be scheduled to learn more about dental sedation and its advantages.

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