Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Surgical Dental Extractions

There are several instances in which a tooth is deemed unsalvageable and is scheduled for extraction. When this occurs, there are two levels of extraction: simple and surgical. The surgical option is necessary when access to the entire crown of the tooth is difficult or when the tooth needs to be broken into manageable pieces, for instance.

While these procedures are surgical in nature, they do not necessarily require an oral surgeon. Some surgical extractions can be performed by your general dentist in Beverly Hills.

Wisdom teeth are a popular choice for removal. These can erupt improperly in the jaw, causing crowding or blockage to the surrounding teeth. Wisdom teeth can also develop curved root systems that make their removal difficult. These instances require a surgical extraction, since the doctor would need to do more than just pull the tooth from its socket.

Teeth that have been endodontically treated in the past often develop brittle roots, which can require surgical extraction.

Sometimes teeth are partially or fully buried in the jawbone. In this instance, the dentist would pull back the gums for access and then trim the relevant bone tissue.

Surgical dental extractions can become more common as the patient ages due to increased bone density and a higher instance of calcification.

For more information about surgical dental extractions, contact our expert in dental extractions in Beverly Hills.

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