Friday, October 9, 2015

Benefits of Using Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns, also called porcelain caps, are a versatile treatment used for cosmetic and restorative purposes. Although similar to veneers in their material and custom tinting, porcelain crowns are thicker and cover the teeth completely rather than just the front. This treatment from our cosmetic dentist in San Francisco has several benefits.

Crowns are useful for concealing structural and color-related flaws. Teeth that are misshapen, improperly spaced, cracked or broken can be concealed and fortified with crowns. In cases where teeth are too heavily stained for concealment with veneers, crowns may also be a viable solution. Crowns are commonly used after root canal treatment to hold treated teeth together and block bacteria from entering the treated site.

The porcelain used to make these crowns is highly resistant to stains, which means patients are less likely to need professional care to remove discoloration in the future. Simple brushing, flossing and regular checkups can help porcelain crowns last for at least 20 years or longer.

Getting a crown requires two visits to the dentist. The first visit is used to remove tooth enamel, take bite impressions and place a temporary crown. The second visit is used to permanently bond the new crown in place. To find out more about this treatment and its advantages, patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in porcelain crowns in San Francisco.

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