Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What Does a Professional Dental Cleaning Involve?

It is strongly recommended to visit the dentist every six months for a professional dental cleaning. A big reason for this is because no matter how good you are at brushing and flossing, it is unfortunately not possible to remove all the plaque on your own. If plaque has been allowed to accumulate, it will turn into tartar. The only way to remove tartar is through a professional dental cleaning.

A major part of a professional dental cleaning is the removal of the plaque and tartar that the patient was not able to remove through brushing and flossing alone. If any cavities are found, the decay will be removed and the tooth will be fit with a dental filling. In cases where decay has reached the pulp of the tooth, a root canal treatment may also be recommended. Once the cleaning is completed, it is likely that you will receive a fluoride treatment to help strengthen your teeth from further decay. If the dentist or hygienist feels that you are not using proper brushing and flossing technique, they may educate you on the right way to do it. With any professional dental cleaning there is also an exam portion. During this portion of the cleaning, you will also be screened for oral cancer, gum disease, and any other issue that may be affecting your oral health.

If you have not had a professional cleaning in a while, contact our expert in dental cleaning in Los Angeles to schedule an appointment.

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