Monday, October 19, 2015

Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments

A professional teeth whitening is a faster, more effective and longer lasting whitening treatment than most store-bought whiteners. Furthermore, multiple options are available for patients who want to brighten their smile this way. Here is a look at the two most common teeth whitening treatments.

Professional Whitening

This treatment uses a whitening gel that is based on hydrogen peroxide to bleach stains away. After cleaning the teeth and placing protective rubber guards in the mouth, our cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood applies the gel to the teeth. The gel is then activated by a dental light as a chemical process and allowed to work. After about one hour, the gel is then cleaned off and patients can immediately see the results.

Zoom Whitening

Zoom whitening is fairly similar to other professional whitening procedures, but it uses a different formula, activation method and process. The Zoom bleaching gel includes not only hydrogen peroxide, but it also includes carbamide peroxide to enhance the penetration of stains. During a one-hour Zoom session, our dentist applies the gel, activates it with a light and allows it to work up to three times in one visit.

Both of these teeth whitening options can resolve most stains associated with foods, beverages and tobacco use. To learn more about these methods and what they can achieve, patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in tooth whitening in West Hollywood.

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