Monday, October 26, 2015

Candidates for Zoom Whitening

Zoom whitening uses a unique tooth-bleaching process to surpass the results of traditional teeth whitening. This process includes a special formula and activation method. Here is a look at characteristics of candidates for this procedure performed by our cosmetic dentist in Northridge.

Have Surface Stains

Stains on the outsides of teeth are well addressed by Zoom. These include discoloration associated with tobacco, coffee, tea and wine. Unfortunately, stains on the insides of teeth cannot be reduced by this procedure and will require concealment instead.

Want Maximum Results

Zoom is significantly more effective than store-bought whitening treatments. Its gel includes both hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, and its application requires the experience and equipment of a professional.

Have Tooth Sensitivity

Teeth whitening procedures can cause or worsen tooth sensitivity in vulnerable patients. However, Zoom can include fluoride application after the bleaching process to minimize or prevent sensitivity. Patients with sensitive teeth should mention it to our expert in Zoom whitening in Northridge before planning the procedure.

In just one hour of Zoom whitening, patients can have the whiteness of their smile improved by up to nine shades. Patients can schedule a consultation with our dentist to find out whether they are eligible to have their teeth whitened with Zoom.

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