Thursday, July 13, 2017

When is a Dental Extraction the Only Option?

There are few things worse than a toothache. In some cases, the pain is so severe it can prevent patients from doing everyday tasks such as chewing. More often than not, dentists attempt to fix damaged or broken teeth with a filling or crown. Unfortunately, if the damage is irreparable, your dentist may resort to pulling the tooth. Our dentist in North Hollywood is expert in taking preventive measures to preserve healthy smiles.

There are many reasons one may require a dental extraction. For example, a patient with extra teeth may experience overcrowding. Younger patient’s baby teeth do not always fall out in time for their permanent teeth to surface. Wisdom teeth are also removed more often than not, as they can be impacted, decayed or infected, causing the gum to swell. Your dentist must pull very loose teeth if they cannot be saved through bone graft replacement surgery. Likewise, patients receiving radiation to the head and neck, or introduced to certain drugs may develop weak and infected teeth that are past the point of salvaging. Some develop a tooth infection after an organ transplant due to the medication taken to suppress the immune system. In the event that you are required to have a tooth pulled, your dentist will provide you with detailed instructions and guidelines regarding care and follow up.

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