Monday, July 10, 2017

What Dental Veneers Can Cover

Dental veneers are a convenient and simple way to create the smile of your dreams. Patients with multiple cosmetic dental flaws can easily mask problematic teeth with these thin porcelain coverings. This is often much more preferable for most than correct each of these flaws individually with multiple treatments. Here is a look at everything that dental veneers can cover.

Good candidates for dental veneers are those with only cosmetic issues. These include:

•    Chips
•    Cracks
•    Stains and intrinsic discolorations
•    Crooked teeth
•    Spacing issues (gaps and crowding)
•    Small and misshapen teeth
•    Visible restorations
•    And more

Patients can work with our expert in veneers in Beverly Hills in order to create the smile they want. They can even bring in pictures of smiles they wish to copy as examples. Veneers provide everyone with the confidence to go about their daily lives, smiling, eating, and laughing with confidence. Dental veneers are also hugely realistic, meaning no one has to worry about their new smile not looking authentic.

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