Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Importance of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments impose safety on a tooth that had become unsafe. This can happen due to advanced decay or, most critically, damage to the dental nerve. When this kind of damage occurs, it’s usually due to one of the following factors:

•    Acute trauma
•    Accumulated trauma from repeated dental work
•    Accumulated trauma from grinding or clenching
•    Increased workload due to a missing tooth nearby

It can also be said that a dental nerve starts to deteriorate naturally from the moment the tooth erupts. Whether or not you need a root canal is often a judgment call by your dentist, because it is often impossible to adequately predict nerve trauma even with proper x-rays. But once inflammation or infection occurs, it can be without warning, and with excruciating pain. Then the recourses are extraction, or root canal. Of these, root canal is preferred by our LA endodontists.

Root canal does not fully restore any damaged tooth structure, and there’s unfortunately no way to repair the access hole required to treat the dental nerve and remove all infected dental pulp. But a root canal will still leave you with more functionality and bite force than an extraction followed by a prosthetic.

For more information, including the cost of root canal in LA, contact our team.

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