Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Process of Getting Dental Implants

Losing a tooth can be a scary thing, especially if you do not know anything about how replacement works. While there are a few options for replacing a missing tooth, many dentists recommend dental implants. Implants offer several benefits for the patient, but do require a lengthy process. Here is a look at how to get a dental implant.

Our dentist will start by drilling a hole into the jaw bone where the missing tooth once was. A screw-like post made of titanium is inserted into the hole. Titanium is used because it can fuse with the human bone without being rejected and causing an infection. The post will be capped with a temporary dental crown.

The post will then need some time to heal and fuse with the jaw bone tissue. This can take between two and nine months. When complete, patients will return to our dentist to complete the implant. The post will be fitted with an abutment and permanent dental crown.

Patients will need to take care of their dental implant just as they do their natural teeth. This includes brushing, flossing, and using mouth wash. Dental implant patients may also need to visit our dentist more often in order to monitor their health.

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