Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Common Signs of Gum Disease 

Have you ever noticed a small amount of blood in the sink after brushing your teeth? There may be a possibility you are experiencing early signs of gingivitis. The good news is that this mild form of gum disease is reversible. In fact, there are steps you can take right at home to eliminate its progression.

Typical signs associated with gingivitis, or gum inflammation, include swollen or tender gums, bleeding, receding gum line, and formation of pockets between teeth and gums. Gum disease occurs when plaque, which contains a large amount of bacteria, builds up and hardens along the gum line. If you experience any warning signs of gum inflammation, it is time to step up your dental hygiene. You can do so by brushing and flossing daily, eating right, visiting the dentist regularly, and avoiding any tobacco products. Proper brushing and flossing can go a long way in helping patients maintain strong teeth and gums. As always, regularly scheduled teeth cleanings give your dental hygienist the opportunity to evaluate your gum health and remove any excess plaque.

Our periodontists in LA can answer any questions you may have regarding gum disease and help you protect your oral health.

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