Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How are Lumineers Placed on Teeth?

For patients suffering from tooth discoloration, it can be difficult to smile with confidence. Our cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood offers a quick and effective method to provide patients with a ‘Hollywood smile’ by utilizing the latest in dental veneer technology.

Lumineers are an incredibly thin porcelain seal that cover teeth to improve their color and overall condition. Unlike typical dental veneers, they do not require dentists to remove any existing enamel. The porcelain compound used in this procedure reflects light similarly to real teeth, thus improving the existing condition of the mouth with no pain involved. Complete in up to two visits, these veneers can last over twenty years with the proper care. During the first consultation, a custom mold is taken to create the porcelain covering. Our dentist will then pick an appropriate shade for your smile. The molds are sent off, and the veneers are created in approximately two to four weeks. During the following visit, veneers are placed for fit and attached, leaving your teeth permanently white. For patients with chipped, crowed, or misshapen teeth, this thin, protective covering offers the perfect solution.

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