Monday, July 24, 2017

How to Know if You Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects millions, both men and women, many of whom don’t know they have it. The condition can’t always be diagnosed at a glance, and if you sleep alone you may be oblivious to the first warning sign. Snoring really can be a tip that you have sleep apnea—usually obstructive sleep apnea, the most common type—but you can firm up your suspicion by consulting the following checklist.

•    Do you wake up multiple times per night to urinate?
•    Do you have morning headaches?
•    Do you feel tired and/or irritable all day?
•    Are you more depressed than usual?
•    Do you have problems focusing or concentrating?
•    Do you fall asleep easily while reading or watching TV?

Any combination of the above symptoms could mean you have sleep apnea. You need to see a Thousand Oaks sleep apnea doctor for a final diagnosis, but sleep apnea can sneak up on the human body. It’s been linked to developing cases of diabetes and increased risk of hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. Diabetics in particular often have sleep apnea as well, since sleep deprivation can cause sugar disruption in the blood.

If you think you may have sleep apnea, make an appointment today.

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