If you are interested in Invisalign, you might be excited about getting started on your new smile. The Invisalign process is fairly straightforward and begins with your first consultation. This consultation is important because it is here that you will discuss your needs and goals with our expert in Invisalign in Beverly Hills, and we will work closely with you to determine your candidacy and create your new smile.
Next, we will create your customized treatment plan using a digital scanner to create 3D images of your teeth. We map out each movement of your teeth, and this will not only form the basis of your treatment plan but will even show you how long your treatment will be and give you a preview of your new look.
Your new aligners come next. Each aligner is made just for you using proprietary materials, and they are almost invisible. You will wear your aligners all the time and only take them out when you eat, drink, brush and floss. Every week, you will wear a new set of aligners, and your teeth will gradually shift into place.
Once you have your new smile, you will need to wear a special retainer, which can be custom-made for you using the same technology and materials as your clear aligner. The retainer helps maintain the proper position of your smile and prevent relapse. Call our dental office today to learn more about the steps for Invisalign or to schedule your consultation.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Teeth Whitening with Spices
Every once and awhile, a new Do-It-Yourself teeth whitening method pops up. You might see them on Pinterest or Instagram. The newest trend is brushing the teeth with turmeric. Turmeric is a spice that is most often used for cooking purposes, but also has some medicinal uses, as well. It is recognizes for its bright yellow appearance. It’s abrasive and astringent properties make some believe that it will do a good job at brushing away extrinsic stains. This is, actually, the opposite of true.
The rule in cosmetic dentistry is that anything that would stain a white t-shirt will leave its mark on your dental enamel. Instead of making your teeth brighter, it is more likely to leave them more yellow or darkened. This can also be true of other whitening trend materials, such as activated charcoal.
Instead of risking the appearance of your teeth with techniques that are not tried-and-true, schedule an appointment with our teeth whitening dentist. We will use safe tools and materials that have been used for years. This professional process also involves the correct amount of whitening gel or liquid to ensure your dental health, and minimize risk of sensitivity. If your teeth could use some brightening, schedule an appointment with us today.
The rule in cosmetic dentistry is that anything that would stain a white t-shirt will leave its mark on your dental enamel. Instead of making your teeth brighter, it is more likely to leave them more yellow or darkened. This can also be true of other whitening trend materials, such as activated charcoal.
Instead of risking the appearance of your teeth with techniques that are not tried-and-true, schedule an appointment with our teeth whitening dentist. We will use safe tools and materials that have been used for years. This professional process also involves the correct amount of whitening gel or liquid to ensure your dental health, and minimize risk of sensitivity. If your teeth could use some brightening, schedule an appointment with us today.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Pros and Cons of Porcelain Veneers
The advantages of porcelain veneers are numerous. Still,
this treatment has pros and cons like any other. You can read about the main
pros and cons of these veneers below.
Pro: Stain Resistance
Porcelain resists stains better than tooth enamel and composite veneers. This is because, unlike those materials, porcelain is not porous. Of course, good oral habits and hygiene is still important to prevent discoloration over time.
Pro: Durability
Veneers made of porcelain are known for their durability, which easily surpasses composite veneers. This is part of why these veneers can last patients for decades if taken care of properly. Still, patients must take care not to bite down on hard foods or use their veneer-covered teeth to open bottle caps or chew on pencils.
Con: Higher Cost
The downside to veneers made of porcelain is their higher cost. Compared to composite veneers, porcelain ones can be significantly less affordable. However, many patients do find them to be worth the higher price.
When patients need veneers, different types of veneers may be worth considering. Veneers that are made of porcelain are better in terms of durability and resistance to stains but do tend to be more costly. Patients can contact our dentist to learn more about the pros and cons of this treatment.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Cómo limpiar mejor los dientes
La limpieza de los dientes es esencial para eliminar las bacterias responsables de las enfermedades dentales, como la caries dental y la enfermedad de las encías. Cuando se trata de limpiar los dientes, la técnica importa. Para una sonrisa sana, usted necesita asegurarse de que usted está cepillando y flossing con eficacia. Esto incluye:
1. Cepillarse dos veces al día usando las herramientas adecuadas
Utilice un cepillo de cerdas suaves con una cabeza de cepillo que se ajuste cómodamente en la boca y alcance fácilmente todos los dientes. Recuerde reemplazar su cepillo de dientes cuando las cerdas parezcan gastadas, dobladas o deshilachadas o por lo menos cada tres meses. Use una pasta de dientes de fluoruro con un Sello de Aceptación ADA.
2. Usando los métodos correctos de cepillado
Cuando cepille, debe sujetar el cepillo en un ángulo de 45 grados hacia las encías para limpiar a fondo este área propensa a la placa. Mueva suavemente el cepillo de dientes en golpes cortos para limpiar todas las superficies de cada diente mientras se mueve a través de su boca. Se debe tomar unos dos minutos para cepillarse por todas partes.
3. Hilo dental diario
La limpieza entre los dientes es necesaria para eliminar las bacterias que causan enfermedades de las áreas que las cerdas del cepillo de dientes no pueden alcanzar. Use hilo dental, hilo dental o limpiadores interdentales para limpiar bien entre cada conjunto de dientes.
Llame a nuestra oficina dental hoy para aprender más acerca de cómo desarrollar y mantener buenos hábitos dentales, o para programar su próximo chequeo.
1. Cepillarse dos veces al día usando las herramientas adecuadas
Utilice un cepillo de cerdas suaves con una cabeza de cepillo que se ajuste cómodamente en la boca y alcance fácilmente todos los dientes. Recuerde reemplazar su cepillo de dientes cuando las cerdas parezcan gastadas, dobladas o deshilachadas o por lo menos cada tres meses. Use una pasta de dientes de fluoruro con un Sello de Aceptación ADA.
2. Usando los métodos correctos de cepillado
Cuando cepille, debe sujetar el cepillo en un ángulo de 45 grados hacia las encías para limpiar a fondo este área propensa a la placa. Mueva suavemente el cepillo de dientes en golpes cortos para limpiar todas las superficies de cada diente mientras se mueve a través de su boca. Se debe tomar unos dos minutos para cepillarse por todas partes.
3. Hilo dental diario
La limpieza entre los dientes es necesaria para eliminar las bacterias que causan enfermedades de las áreas que las cerdas del cepillo de dientes no pueden alcanzar. Use hilo dental, hilo dental o limpiadores interdentales para limpiar bien entre cada conjunto de dientes.
Llame a nuestra oficina dental hoy para aprender más acerca de cómo desarrollar y mantener buenos hábitos dentales, o para programar su próximo chequeo.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Recovery Following Dental Implant Procedure
The dental implant procedure involves outpatient surgery. Although it is typically no more invasive than a routine extraction, the recovery period is typically longer, as the bone needs to fuse with the implant device. Proper aftercare can ensure your implant site heals properly and can be restored on schedule.
Immediately after the implant has been placed, we will provide you with detailed instructions. You will need to bite down gently on gauze to stop the bleeding. Do not disturb the surgical site, probe it, or rinse vigorously. You can brush your teeth, but be gentle as you brush near the surgery site. Avoid smoking, which can delay healing. Avoid strenuous activities until you are cleared for your normal daily routine or exercise. An ice pack can be used to reduce swelling and discomfort. You will also be provided with medication, which should be taken as prescribed.
Good dental hygiene is essential for proper healing. Brush and floss as normal, but avoid aggressive movements. Use a saltwater rinse two to three times a day to ease inflammation. Some bruising, stiffness, swelling, and discomfort is normal, but these should gradually subside over time. If you notice anything that concerns you, please let us know as soon as possible. Call our expert in tooth implants in Beverly Hills today to learn more.
Immediately after the implant has been placed, we will provide you with detailed instructions. You will need to bite down gently on gauze to stop the bleeding. Do not disturb the surgical site, probe it, or rinse vigorously. You can brush your teeth, but be gentle as you brush near the surgery site. Avoid smoking, which can delay healing. Avoid strenuous activities until you are cleared for your normal daily routine or exercise. An ice pack can be used to reduce swelling and discomfort. You will also be provided with medication, which should be taken as prescribed.
Good dental hygiene is essential for proper healing. Brush and floss as normal, but avoid aggressive movements. Use a saltwater rinse two to three times a day to ease inflammation. Some bruising, stiffness, swelling, and discomfort is normal, but these should gradually subside over time. If you notice anything that concerns you, please let us know as soon as possible. Call our expert in tooth implants in Beverly Hills today to learn more.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Damon Braces and How They Work
Some orthodontic cases are best addressed with traditional
style braces. Many patients are disappointed that they cannot undergo their
orthodontic experience with a less noticeable option, such as Invisalign.
Fortunately, our orthodontist in Los Angeles offers a type of braces that are
just as effective as traditional ones, while being much less noticeable.
Damon braces are self-ligating. This means that the wires
are able to adjust themselves according to the needs of the teeth.
Self-ligating wires mean that patients get to spend less time in the dentist’s
chair so they can be tightened. This also eliminates uncomfortable pressure and
pain that often come from these tightening appointments.
Patients are also happy to learn that this type of wires
allow for smaller brackets, making for a less noticeable appliance. Our
orthodontist may even be able to apply ceramic brackets, which blend in with
the teeth. While appointments with our dentist are still necessary, they will
be less frequent.
Your orthodontic treatment with braces does not have to be
uncomfortable and annoying. If you would like to find out if you are a
candidate for Damon braces, schedule an appointment with our orthodontist
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Abscess Caused by Gum Disease
Infection in the mouth gradually turns to pus if left untended. Often, this infection starts with gum disease. Abscess is the next step when white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria are allowed to collaborate.
There are two types of abscess: periodontal and periapical.
Periodontal abscess
This infection begins outside the tooth, sometimes in the space between the tooth and the gum. The tooth may detach from the gum slightly, or noticeable swelling may occur. This swelling may look like a sore or boil, so it is often called “gum boil”.
Periapical abscess
Most associated with root canal therapy, periapical abscess begins inside the tooth. The dental pulp has usually deteriorated to a dangerous point, brought on by severe decay. Bacteria invade the inner tooth, and this invasion can easily spin into abscess.
If you have an abscess, the good news is you’ll know it right away. Almost every abscess comes with pain, which is your signal to get to a periodontist quickly. Abscess untreated can spread to the bone and even the brain.
Other symptoms of abscess caused by gum disease may include:
• Fever
• Swollen glands
• Tender gums
• General malaise
• Bitter taste/bad breath
There are two types of abscess: periodontal and periapical.
Periodontal abscess
This infection begins outside the tooth, sometimes in the space between the tooth and the gum. The tooth may detach from the gum slightly, or noticeable swelling may occur. This swelling may look like a sore or boil, so it is often called “gum boil”.
Periapical abscess
Most associated with root canal therapy, periapical abscess begins inside the tooth. The dental pulp has usually deteriorated to a dangerous point, brought on by severe decay. Bacteria invade the inner tooth, and this invasion can easily spin into abscess.
If you have an abscess, the good news is you’ll know it right away. Almost every abscess comes with pain, which is your signal to get to a periodontist quickly. Abscess untreated can spread to the bone and even the brain.
Other symptoms of abscess caused by gum disease may include:
• Fever
• Swollen glands
• Tender gums
• General malaise
• Bitter taste/bad breath
Monday, June 12, 2017
Para qué se usan las coronas de porcelana?
Las coronas de porcelana son una de las restauraciones más estéticas de la odontología moderna. Las coronas se usan típicamente cuando un diente no puede ser restaurado con métodos más conservadores, tales como empastes dentales. La corona dental cubre toda la corona del diente y se encuentra con la línea de las encías. Esto hace que el diente fuerte, restaura su forma y contorno, y le da un aspecto natural. La porcelana es casi idéntica al esmalte de tu diente.
Otros materiales también se han utilizado para hacer coronas, incluyendo metal y porcelana que se funde al metal, o PFM. La porcelana se recomienda a menudo cuando una corona necesita ser especialmente natural en apariencia, como cuando se utiliza en los dientes delanteros. La porcelana es naturalmente translúcida, permitiendo que la luz pase a través y refleje de las estructuras internas. El diente se forma y se prepara, y una vez que la corona ha sido personalizado por el laboratorio dental, se cimentará en el diente.
Una vez que su corona está en su lugar, puede usar su diente como siempre. Las coronas necesitan ser cepilladas y flossed como otros dientes porque aunque no se deterioran, la placa y las bacterias pueden todavía dañar los tejidos naturales. Una buena higiene dental preservará los tejidos naturales y maximizará la vida de la corona.
Usted podría ser un candidato para una corona si tiene un diente roto o muy deteriorado o si ha perdido un diente y lo están sustituyendo por un implante o puentes dentales. Las coronas también se utilizan para proteger los dientes endodónticamente tratados. Llame a nuestro dentista cosmético hoy para programar su consulta.
Otros materiales también se han utilizado para hacer coronas, incluyendo metal y porcelana que se funde al metal, o PFM. La porcelana se recomienda a menudo cuando una corona necesita ser especialmente natural en apariencia, como cuando se utiliza en los dientes delanteros. La porcelana es naturalmente translúcida, permitiendo que la luz pase a través y refleje de las estructuras internas. El diente se forma y se prepara, y una vez que la corona ha sido personalizado por el laboratorio dental, se cimentará en el diente.
Una vez que su corona está en su lugar, puede usar su diente como siempre. Las coronas necesitan ser cepilladas y flossed como otros dientes porque aunque no se deterioran, la placa y las bacterias pueden todavía dañar los tejidos naturales. Una buena higiene dental preservará los tejidos naturales y maximizará la vida de la corona.
Usted podría ser un candidato para una corona si tiene un diente roto o muy deteriorado o si ha perdido un diente y lo están sustituyendo por un implante o puentes dentales. Las coronas también se utilizan para proteger los dientes endodónticamente tratados. Llame a nuestro dentista cosmético hoy para programar su consulta.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Common Types of Emergencies Involving Dentures
Dentures are a great tooth-replacement option that allow you to continue to enjoy your life to its fullest. However, there may come a time when something happens and your dentures need to be repaired. There are many reasons why you may need to get some professional assistance to handle your dentures emergencies.
Possibly one of the most common reasons as to why your dentures might break is due to accidentally dropping them, either in the sink or on the floor. This may result in a complete break or simply a small crack. It’s important to get the issue fixed promptly to avoid further damage and more costly repairs later.
Another common type of emergency that can occur with dentures is that one of the teeth breaks off. Uneven grinding or biting hard objects can put too much pressure on a small area, resulting in breakage.
Over time, your dentures may become loose due to shrinking soft tissues and bone loss. If this results in a sore spot on your gums, you may want to consider getting them fixed or relined.
Emergency dentists with experience in denture work can often fix your dentures on the same day.
Possibly one of the most common reasons as to why your dentures might break is due to accidentally dropping them, either in the sink or on the floor. This may result in a complete break or simply a small crack. It’s important to get the issue fixed promptly to avoid further damage and more costly repairs later.
Another common type of emergency that can occur with dentures is that one of the teeth breaks off. Uneven grinding or biting hard objects can put too much pressure on a small area, resulting in breakage.
Over time, your dentures may become loose due to shrinking soft tissues and bone loss. If this results in a sore spot on your gums, you may want to consider getting them fixed or relined.
Emergency dentists with experience in denture work can often fix your dentures on the same day.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
What are Zirconia Crowns?
Our cosmetic dentist offers dental crowns in many different materials, one of which is zirconia. This is a type of ceramic crown that offers many benefits. In fact, this material is used in many different medical fields, such as creating artificial joints. This is because it is able to integrate into our bodies without causing infection.
Dental crowns of any material are used to restore teeth that have suffered from decay, cavities, or an infection. They are also used to cover teeth with cosmetic flaws, such as discoloration or misshapenness, and cover dental implants to replace lost teeth.
There are many other benefits of zirconia crowns. For example, they are known to be stronger and more durable than other materials sometimes used. They also have a very translucent appearance, meaning they look exactly like our natural dental enamel. Due to its crystal nature, it also allows our dentist to preserve more of the natural tooth. This is particularly beneficial for patients who might need to have their crown replaced later.
Our dentist can go over all of your dental crown material options with you, and help you decide which best addressed your needs and wants.
Dental crowns of any material are used to restore teeth that have suffered from decay, cavities, or an infection. They are also used to cover teeth with cosmetic flaws, such as discoloration or misshapenness, and cover dental implants to replace lost teeth.
There are many other benefits of zirconia crowns. For example, they are known to be stronger and more durable than other materials sometimes used. They also have a very translucent appearance, meaning they look exactly like our natural dental enamel. Due to its crystal nature, it also allows our dentist to preserve more of the natural tooth. This is particularly beneficial for patients who might need to have their crown replaced later.
Our dentist can go over all of your dental crown material options with you, and help you decide which best addressed your needs and wants.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Porcelain Veneers Experience and Reviews
The good news about porcelain veneer reviews is that
academics do most of the work for you. There are studies you can access that
track veneers users, the quality of their experience, and the lifespan of the
product. For instance, the Beier study of 2012 enlisted 84 veneers recipients
over a 22-year span. The study found retention rates of 95 percent after five
years, 94 percent after 10 years, and 83 percent after 20 years. Failures were
most commonly due to breakage, and not to any rejection of the implant itself.
If these kinds of numbers are too cold or scientific for
you, you can always go the anecdotal route. Plenty of dental forums and
personal blogs describe the veneers experience in detail. If you’re looking for
the most objective decision, you can easily find a representative sample of
both pros and cons.
Many dentists save space on their website for patient
testimonials. The more experienced the dentist, the more varied the cases will
be. It’s important to find pictures of teeth that look like yours—and then hear
about that patient’s satisfaction with veneers, or lack of it.
For more about porcelain veneers, contact our porcelain veneers dentist in Los Angeles.
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