Thursday, June 22, 2017

Pros and Cons of Porcelain Veneers

The advantages of porcelain veneers are numerous. Still, this treatment has pros and cons like any other. You can read about the main pros and cons of these veneers below. 

Pro: Stain Resistance

Porcelain resists stains better than tooth enamel and composite veneers. This is because, unlike those materials, porcelain is not porous. Of course, good oral habits and hygiene is still important to prevent discoloration over time.

Pro: Durability

Veneers made of porcelain are known for their durability, which easily surpasses composite veneers. This is part of why these veneers can last patients for decades if taken care of properly. Still, patients must take care not to bite down on hard foods or use their veneer-covered teeth to open bottle caps or chew on pencils. 

Con: Higher Cost

The downside to veneers made of porcelain is their higher cost. Compared to composite veneers, porcelain ones can be significantly less affordable. However, many patients do find them to be worth the higher price.

When patients need veneers, different types of veneers may be worth considering. Veneers that are made of porcelain are better in terms of durability and resistance to stains but do tend to be more costly. Patients can contact our dentist to learn more about the pros and cons of this treatment.

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