Monday, June 26, 2017

Teeth Whitening with Spices

Every once and awhile, a new Do-It-Yourself teeth whitening method pops up. You might see them on Pinterest or Instagram. The newest trend is brushing the teeth with turmeric. Turmeric is a spice that is most often used for cooking purposes, but also has some medicinal uses, as well. It is recognizes for its bright yellow appearance. It’s abrasive and astringent properties make some believe that it will do a good job at brushing away extrinsic stains. This is, actually, the opposite of true.

The rule in cosmetic dentistry is that anything that would stain a white t-shirt will leave its mark on your dental enamel. Instead of making your teeth brighter, it is more likely to leave them more yellow or darkened. This can also be true of other whitening trend materials, such as activated charcoal.

Instead of risking the appearance of your teeth with techniques that are not tried-and-true, schedule an appointment with our teeth whitening dentist. We will use safe tools and materials that have been used for years. This professional process also involves the correct amount of whitening gel or liquid to ensure your dental health, and minimize risk of sensitivity. If your teeth could use some brightening, schedule an appointment with us today.

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