Monday, June 19, 2017

Recovery Following Dental Implant Procedure

The dental implant procedure involves outpatient surgery. Although it is typically no more invasive than a routine extraction, the recovery period is typically longer, as the bone needs to fuse with the implant device. Proper aftercare can ensure your implant site heals properly and can be restored on schedule.

Immediately after the implant has been placed, we will provide you with detailed instructions. You will need to bite down gently on gauze to stop the bleeding. Do not disturb the surgical site, probe it, or rinse vigorously. You can brush your teeth, but be gentle as you brush near the surgery site. Avoid smoking, which can delay healing. Avoid strenuous activities until you are cleared for your normal daily routine or exercise. An ice pack can be used to reduce swelling and discomfort. You will also be provided with medication, which should be taken as prescribed.

Good dental hygiene is essential for proper healing. Brush and floss as normal, but avoid aggressive movements. Use a saltwater rinse two to three times a day to ease inflammation. Some bruising, stiffness, swelling, and discomfort is normal, but these should gradually subside over time. If you notice anything that concerns you, please let us know as soon as possible. Call our expert in tooth implants in Beverly Hills today to learn more.

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