Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Is Root Canal an Option for Me?

A root canal is typically recommended when a tooth is decayed or damaged and cannot be repaired with other more conservative therapies. The nerve of the tooth is typically inflamed, dying or dead, and there may be an infection affecting the inner tissues of the tooth or at the base of the tooth. Our endodontists will typically recommend a root canal to save a tooth that is badly damaged but otherwise viable.

The pulp of a tooth can become inflamed or infected when the tooth develops deep decay or a crack. This allows bacteria to access the inner tissues of the tooth, leading to inflammation. The pulp can become infected and swell, leading to irritation. You may experience a toothache ranging from mild to severe, and it may worsen when you change posture. Your tooth may also be hypersensitive to temperature changes, and the discomfort may linger even after the offending substance has been removed from your mouth. The pain may go away when you bite down on your tooth. You might also notice a pimple or swollen area near the root of the tooth. These are all signs of infection or an abscess.

Root canals today are painless and are typically completed in a single appointment. However, you will need to return to our office to have the tooth restored using a dental crown. This protects the tooth and prevents it from becoming infected again. Call our root canal doctor in LA today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

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