Thursday, May 25, 2017

Reasons for Pain in the Teeth

Experiencing pain in the teeth can be particularly concerning. This is because pain is always a sign of a bigger, underlying issue that might require considerable treatment. Furthermore, pain in the teeth can have many, many causes. Here are the more common reasons why your teeth might be hurting.

Possibly the most common cause of tooth pain is sensitivity. This is when you experience pain after the teeth are exposed to intense temperatures, for example, when eating hot soup or ice cream. This is due to a lack of enamel on the tooth, or the gum tissue receding and exposing the roots.

Tooth infections can sometimes go unnoticed, but often cause pain. This is because the pulp of the tooth, where the connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves reside, has become decayed. Our Los Angeles dentist can perform a root canal treatment to remove any decay and immediately eliminate pain.

If you have a restoration, such as a filling or crown, that has become loose, it is logical that you will be experiencing pain. The dentin underneath is likely exposed, allowing the nerves to become irritated. Our dentist can mend or replace the restoration.

Painful teeth are considered a dental emergency, and should be seen to as soon as possible.

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