Monday, May 22, 2017

How are Incognito Braces Made?

Some patients do not make good candidates for more modern orthodontic options such as Invisalign, due to the nature or severity of their structural flaws. This means that metal braces are the most effective choice. However, many patients do not prefer braces, as they are very bulky and highly noticeable. These issues are eliminated with Incognito braces. Incognito braces are a lot like traditional ones, but are placed on the lingual side, or back surfaces of the teeth.

The process of getting Incognito braces is simple. Our orthodontists in LA will take impressions of your teeth to ensure your braces will fit you perfectly. These impressions will be sent to a lab, where your brackets will be designed specifically for you using the latest 3D technology. These brackets are gold casted in order to fit flatly against the teeth, making them even more comfortable and less noticeable to others.

Incognito also offers a Lite option, for those who do not need a full treatment. This utilizes only six brackets on both the upper and lower arches to straighten out and align the middle teeth. Interested patients can schedule a consultation appointment at our office to learn more.

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