Monday, May 15, 2017

How to Clean Dental Veneers

Dental veneers may look just like real teeth, but they are not made from enamel. As a result, they do require different care in some ways. Here is how to keep veneers clean and looking good long after getting them.

Rinse and Brush Every Day

Just like other teeth, veneers benefit from being rinsed and brushed regularly. Especially when you consume staining foods or beverages, such as chocolate or coffee, you can benefit from rinsing your mouth out immediately afterwards. Twice a day, you should brush your teeth, including your veneers, using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoid using whitening toothpaste, which will not work on veneers and could lead to different shades of teeth in your smile.

Get Professional Cleanings Regularly

At least twice each year, everyone should receive professional cleaning at a check-up, and this remains true when you have veneers. Our dentist can remove mild discoloration and prevent veneers from building up plaque that is difficult to remove at home. If necessary, our dentist can also polish veneers to remove stains from them.

If veneers develop stains that do not respond to polishing, replacement can be performed to maintain a perfect smile. You can contact our dental veneers dentist in Los Angeles to find out more about maintaining veneers.

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