Thursday, May 4, 2017

Do Oral Surgeons Treat Gum Disease?

Early stages of gum disease typically respond well to conservative treatments, but in more advanced cases, surgery can be needed. Surgery for periodontal disease is designed to control the spread of the infection, simplify dental hygiene needs, and restore lost tissue. Our oral surgeon in LA can help you decide if oral surgery is right for you.

Several oral surgery procedures can be used in the treatment of gum disease, including:

1.       Pocket reduction surgery
During this procedure, the plaque and tartar are thoroughly cleaned from the roots of the teeth before the gums are sutured to fit more tightly around the teeth.

2.       Bone surgery
The bone around the teeth can develop irregularities and craters as a result of inflammation. Oral surgery can be used to smooth these areas so that oral bacteria cannot collect in them.

3.       Bone and soft tissue grafts
These procedures restore tissue that has been damaged or destroyed as a result of gum disease. Guided tissue regeneration can also be used to stimulate tissue growth.

Your periodontics treatment plan may include both surgical and nonsurgical procedures designed to address the underlying cause of your gum disease and to restore lost tissue. Call our office today to learn more or to schedule your appointment.

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