Friday, April 28, 2017

All On Four Dental Implants Benefits

There are several ways to replace knocked-out or extracted teeth. These include dentures and dental bridges, both of which restore the look and functionality of the smile. However, our dentist in Agoura Hills will recommend dental implants for any patients who qualify.

Single dental implants can be used for individual lost teeth, but are not efficient for replacing all of the teeth in an arch. In cases such as this, our dentist will use All On Four dental implants – four evenly spaced implants that support pontics.

There are many benefits of this restorative option. The integration into the jaw bone stimulates the tissue, which helps maintain its density and health. You can also enjoy perfect functionality when both chewing and speaking, just as with your natural teeth. Most patients also find that All On Four implant are a very cost effective option, and do not require much recovery time.

Patients often experience issues with dentures and bridges concerning stability and comfort. Dentures rely on suction to remain in place, but can slip and slide with use. While bridges are held in place with dental crowns, they also do not work to stimulate the underlying jaw bone. All On Four implants offer a simple solution to these serious and inconvenient issues.

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