Monday, October 31, 2016

Taking Care of Teeth After Root Canal

A root canal treatment removes diseased tissue from the inner canals of the tooth. After the treatment, our expert in endodontics in LA will explain the best way to take care of your treated tooth. Proper aftercare is important because it will promote healing and reduce the risk of complications.

You may have some lingering soreness and sensitivity. This is normal, since it can take some time for the inflammation to fully subside. You can use warm salt water rinses a few times a day to address pain and swelling. Pain medication can also be helpful for some patients.

Brushing and flossing will continue to be important. You need to remove the plaque from your teeth daily to prevent decay and reinfection, as well as to keep the rest of your mouth healthy. An antimicrobial mouthwash can also be beneficial.

Avoid any foods that are hard or particularly sticky, since these can damage a temporary restoration. If you grind your teeth at night, you will need to wear a night guard to reduce the risk of damage to your teeth. Schedule a follow-up appointment to have your permanent restoration completed. Call our root canal dentist in LA today to learn more.

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