Monday, October 17, 2016

How Effective is Invisalign in Aligning the Teeth?

Invisalign can treat a variety of dental cases, including crossbite, overbite, and excessively gapped or crowded teeth. Since most patients want to see what they get beforehand, most providers keep smile galleries, with before and after Invisalign pictures. This comparison is still the best way to personalize the effectiveness of Invisalign, as you can easily find a case resembling your own.

Invisalign uses a push mechanism to straighten the teeth. Plastic aligners, or trays, exert this force over a series of interlocking exchanges, during which you trade out your aligners for a new set every two weeks. If you wear the aligners as instructed— twenty hours a day in most cases—you essentially qualify for the next set, or next stage of your treatment.

During treatment, you can eat and drink whatever you want. The lifestyle interference you expect from traditional braces is minimal with Invisalign. As long as you commit to the program, which includes regular brushing and flossing and making sure your trays stay clean, the program will work for you.
The finishing touch of Invisalign is the retainer, which prevents slippage in the months after treatment.

Ask your Los Angeles Invisalign provider if this treatment is the most effective choice for you.

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