Thursday, October 27, 2016

Best Candidates for Zoom Whitening

Many patients are unaware that there are different kinds of teeth whitening. Our Los Angeles cosmetic dentists prefer Zoom whitening treatments, and find that our patients do, too. Our teeth can accrue stains fairly easily from what we eat and drink. Common stain-causing substances include pasta sauce, hard candies, berries, colas, and dark teas. If you have noticed that your teeth are darker or yellower than they once were, you may benefit from Zoom whitening.

Candidates for Zoom whitening include those who:

• Have extrinsic dental stains
• Are in otherwise great health, dentally, orally, and physically
• Do not suffer from extremely sensitive teeth, as whitening can worsen this issue

Our Zoom whitening dentist in Los Angeles will first clean the teeth before applying a special bleaching gel to the teeth. This gel is then activated with a laser light for fifteen minutes, activating its bleaching properties. This is repeated three times, lasting less than an hour all together. The gel is then cleaned away, and you are able to enjoy your newly bright smile immediately.

Patients are able to come back in for another round of Zoom whitening as many times as they please. Schedule your Zoom appointment today to see what it can do for your smile.

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