Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Gummy Smile Reduction Techniques

An estimated seven percent of men and fourteen percent of women have gummy
smiles. Of course, not everyone agrees on what constitutes “excessive
gingival exposure”, as is the proper term. Orthodontists consider two
millimeters of exposure to be “gummy”. Patients think three millimeters is
acceptable, and general dentists go as high as four millimeters.

Because of this dissonance, and because fixing a gummy smile is mostly a
cosmetic task, gummy smile reduction overlaps with several well-known
plastic surgery methods. These include:

• Botox—injections to the upper lip can reduce gingival
exposure, although Botox is temporary and must be repeated.

• Lip fillers like Restylane and Juvederm—these are also
temporary but use biosynthetic, hypoallergenic materials that minimize side
effects and have more longevity.

• Lip repositioning surgery—more drastic by far, this
irreversible procedure cuts the muscles that lift the upper lip.

For the more dental-minded, the following procedures are suggested by our
expert in gummy smile reduction in Van Nuys:

• Crown lengthening, which works well if the gummy smile is due
to shorter teeth.

• Orthodontics, which can address erupted or crowded teeth that
may be causing gingival display.

• Orthognathic surgery, an extreme event that repositions the
jaw. Laser surgery is also available.

If you worry about your smile being too gummy, contact our dentist in VanNuys.

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