Friday, October 14, 2016

Importance of Orthodontic Treatments at an Early Age

Experts advise parents to bring their children in for an orthodontic evaluation around the age of seven. This is right around when they start losing their “baby teeth”. This may seem like too early of an age to be thinking of this kind of thing, but it is actually the perfect time.

The truth is, it is never too early to start saving for orthodontics if they are to be needed. One of our orthodontists in Rocklin should be able to tell you at this time if braces will be necessary in the future, based on how the new teeth are growing in and if the patient has any dental-related bad habits, such as habitual thumb sucking. The patient will not likely need to begin treatment right away. It is vital for all of the permanent teeth to come in first.

If necessary, treatment will likely begin during the early teenage years. This has proven to be the best time for straightening the teeth and correcting the bite. All of the permanent teeth have come in, but the jaw is still developing, making it easier to be adjusted as needed.

Waiting for an older age before getting orthodontic treatment can make the process longer and more complicated. Early orthodontic treatments are the best way to create a perfect smile.

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