Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Losing Multiple Teeth

It is surprising to learn that seventy percent of Americans between the ages of thirty-five and forty-four are currently missing one or more of their teeth. Missing even just one tooth is very dangerous to an individual’s dental and oral health. A gap in the smile can result in the teeth shifting in to the space, creating orthodontic problems. Missing teeth can also lead to degeneration in the jaw bone, which can significantly alter the structure of the face. Patients have several options for replacing multiple teeth. The following is information about these options.

Dental Implants

Tooth implants are the restorations preferred by both experts and patients alike. Multiple teeth implants not only restore the look and functionality of the smile, but reverse the effects on oral health that the missing teeth have caused.

Dental bridges

A bridge may be the most efficient way to replace several adjacent missing teeth. The two teeth on either side of the gap are topped with crowns. These crowns are attached to pontics, or artificial teeth. Though not quite as stable as implants, bridges can restore the smile effectively and without surgery.

Dentures/Partial dentures

Possibly the easiest option are partial dentures. These attach to the gums using a suction method, meaning no surgery or treatment is needed. Dentures are removable, which allows for flexibility, but have been known to slip when eating or talking.

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