Friday, July 31, 2015

Are Teenagers Eligible for Invisalign?

Teens are often self-conscious about their appearance as they grow up, making Invisalign an appealing option when they need orthodontics. But, does our Beverly Hills Invisalign dentist offer this treatment to patients in this age group? While Invisalign Full may be an option for most adults, Invisalign Teen is likely to be a good option for teens depending on the bite irregularities involved.

Invisalign Full is the standard form of Invisalign treatment. Designed with adults in mind, this treatment requires fully mature jaws for it to work properly. Some teens that are 17 years of age and older can receive Invisalign Full, but most younger adolescents will not qualify.

Fortunately, Invisalign has created a Teen version of its treatment for younger patients. Invisalign Teen not only works with growing jaws, but it also includes additional features to help younger patients stay on track. For example, Invisalign Teen aligners include eruption bumps that accommodate continuous growth. Indicators are also present to help our dentist track their progress. Invisalign Teen also comes with extra aligners to make up for any that are lost or broken by active teens.

Teens may need conventional braces if they require vertical movement or a major rotation of some teeth. In some cases, other appliances may also be necessary. At a consultation with our expert in Invisalign Teen in Beverly Hills, patients can learn more about this option and its candidacy requirements.

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