Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Why Are Early Orthodontic Treatments Important?

Early orthodontic treatment is performed during childhood, usually around the age of seven. Braces are best sought early when they are necessary, because properly aligned teeth and jaws positively impact facial growth, social development and overall health. At the same time, orthodontic treatment is most effective and a quicker treatment time when it is early in life.

A host of issues can cause the teeth and jaws to form improperly. Certain habits, including mouth breathing and thumb sucking, can impede normal orofacial development to affect their appearance for life. Correcting these issues and guiding proper development at this stage can have lasting positive effects on young patients.

Orthodontic treatment often works more quickly in younger patients, because the jaws and teeth are growing rapidly during this time. These developing tissues quickly adapt to the changes enforced by braces. With early orthodontic treatments completed, another course of braces may not be necessary during adolescence, when patients are often more self-conscious.

Metal braces may be the only form of treatment required for many patients, but combining it with other appliances may be beneficial in some cases. Narrow palate and severe overbite are two examples of issues that require these appliances, which may be used at the same time as braces. Patients can schedule a consultation with our orthodontist in Rocklin to learn more about why early orthodontics are important.

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