Thursday, July 9, 2015

How are Dental Bridges Placed?

Nobody ever wants to lose a tooth, but if this unfortunate even happens to you, a dental bridge can normally be placed into your mouth to fill in the gap. The placement of a dental bridge usually takes at least two trips to the dentist before it can be fit into your mouth.

On your first visit, our dentist in Beverly Hills will prepare your mouth for the bridge. You will first be given a local anesthetic so the dentist can alter the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth (or teeth) to be able to support the bridge. Usually this involves removing parts of the adjacent teeth and placing a crown on top of them. If these teeth are too badly damaged or decayed, a root canal may first need to be performed, and then a dental implant may be placed. The goal is to make the supporting teeth strong enough to support the bridge. Once this is done, our expert in dental bridges in Beverly Hills will make an impression of the prepared teeth, and use this impression to design your bridge. You will receive a temporary bridge at this point.

Upon your return visit, the permanent bridge will be placed. Dental bridges are usually made of porcelain fused to metal, or ceramics, and can last for five to seven years with the proper care.

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