Thursday, July 16, 2015

How are Dental Fillings Placed?

If you have gone through life without ever having a cavity, consider yourself a good practitioner of proper oral hygiene. Even the most diligent among us, though, may at some point find themselves being told by their dentist that they have a cavity. If this is the case, you will most likely receive a dental filling.

Our Beverly Hills dentist will first give you a localized anesthetic, and then remove the decayed part of your tooth. They will then proceed to clean and dry the affected area. At this point, the dentist will place the dental filling into the portion of your teeth where the cavity was removed. Dental fillings can be molded to fit right into the affected tooth. Once set, the filling will help protect your tooth from further decay.

Our expert in dental fillings in Beverly Hills has several kinds of dental fillings available. Gold fillings are a very good option, but they tend to be expensive. Silver fillings, or amalgam fillings, are cheaper, but far more noticeable when you smile. This is why amalgam is usually only placed in the back of the mouth. Composite resin fillings and porcelain fillings are more natural-looking options, but porcelain is more resistant to stains from coffee and wine that the composite resins fillings. Your choice of filling may depend on what your insurance covers.

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