Tuesday, July 7, 2015

When are Dentures Recommended?

Dentures, or false teeth, are removable appliances that service your smile by replacing multiple missing teeth. Dentures have been around for millennia, as Etruscans in Italy in the 7th century B.C. experimented with human and animal teeth held together by gold bands. Dentures are still a popular salve to drastic or inevitable dental change. Our Westlake Village dentist would advise you that patients who get dentures have greatly improved eating and speaking ability over patients who remain without teeth.

There are two principal types of dentures:

•    Partial dentures. These are for patients who are missing some teeth on a particular arch. There are two subcategories: fixed partial dentures, which are made from crowns fitted to the remaining teeth, and flexible partial dentures, which are made from cutting-edge digital technology and have visual advantages over fixed partials.

•    Complete dentures. These are for patients who are missing all of the teeth in a single arch.

As you age, you may notice teeth loosening or shifting, or the gaps between teeth widening. Or you may have already lost two or more teeth, which means your remaining teeth are experiencing unreasonable strain. Under any of these circumstances, you should consult with our expert in dentures in Westlake Village.

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