Monday, July 27, 2015

Cosmetic Effects of Dental Implants

Dental implants perform just like natural teeth in terms of appearance and function. When comparing the cosmetic value among implants, dentures and bridges, there is simply no doubt that implants are best. Here is more about the immediate and long-term cosmetic effects of dental implants.

As soon as the implant is placed, patients can smile without feeling self-conscious, since there is no hardware present above the gum line. As can be seen in dental implants before and after pictures, the artificial crown that tops the implant is also tinted and shaped to match the surrounding teeth. During meals and conversations, implants stay firmly in place just as your natural teeth would.

The resilience of implants against stains is another major cosmetic benefit. Unlike natural enamel that pigments can bind to and stain, porcelain is non-porous and almost impervious to discoloration. This lets patients maintain an attractive smile over time and without needing teeth whitening treatments.

For patients seeking to replace the look of their natural teeth as thoroughly as possible, dental implants are ideal. There is simply no match for dental implants in terms of aesthetics, performance and comfort. Patients can schedule a consultation with our Beverly Hills dental implants expert to learn more about what this treatment can do for their smile.

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