Wednesday, May 20, 2015

When is Invisalign Retainer Necessary?

After orthodontic treatment, your bones and ligaments may not be fully strong enough to hold your teeth in their new positions yet. This could leave you vulnerable to some drifting or shifting in your mouth. Your teeth may gradually move back to their original positions without the use of a regular retainer. Our experts in orthodontics in Los Angeles may recommend an Invisalign retainer to keep your smile looking like new.

Invisalign retainers are similar to Invisalign aligners but are designed to fit and protect your teeth in their final positions. The retainer is made of the same clear strong material as the Invisalign, so you will not need to worry about unsightly or uncomfortable wires. Daily use may be required at first but, as your bone and ligaments strengthen, you will be able to decrease your wear time. Some patients may only need to wear their aligners at night or for a few hours during the day. The importance of wearing it as prescribed can keep your teeth exactly where they need to be.

If you are interested in creating and keeping a straight smile, we can help. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our expert in Invisalignretainer in Los Angeles.

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