Monday, May 4, 2015

Dental Problem Prevention Tips

Past dental care was often focused on treating problems only after they developed. It was reactive rather than proactive, but today, our dentist in West Hollywood offers a wide range of preventive treatments that can help you keep your smile for life.

1. Good dental hygiene
Brush and floss thoroughly after meals. If you are prone to cavities, use a fluoride rinse to strengthen teeth or an antimicrobial rinse to combat bacteria.

2. Routine dental checkups
Checkups twice a year can catch dental diseases in early, more manageable stages. You may need more frequent checkups if you are susceptible to dental problems.

3. Professional dental cleanings
Professional cleanings can clean plaque and tartar even in those hard-to-reach places you may not always clean well.

4. Prompt treatment of problems
Do not delay treatment when you notice symptoms. Most dental problems do not just go away on their own. Seek treatment to prevent the issue from worsening.

5. A healthy lifestyle
A healthy diet, regular exercise and stress management can all work together to keep your mouth and your body stronger.

There is no time like the present to get started on your healthy mouth plan. Call us to schedule your next checkup with our expert in preventive dentistry in West Hollywood.

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