Friday, May 15, 2015

Typical Prices for Invisalign

Invisalign prices can cover a fairly broad range. Several factors can affect where you fall on the price spectrum. To help you learn more about this exciting orthodontic treatment, our Los Angeles orthodontist will help give an estimate of the costs that you can expect.

Some factors that you may think affect the cost may not be nearly as important as you might think. The age factor does not necessarily make this treatment more or less expensive than others.  For example, adults are not necessarily facing costlier treatment than teens. Also, if your teeth may look particularly crowded or unhealthy it does not necessarily mean the treatment is going to be more extensive. Even if you are missing teeth, have dental crowns or other dental problems, these may not affect your cost.

What does affect your cost is the complexity of the treatment, the length of treatment and if there is need for other treatments. At the consultation, an exam of your teeth, gums and bone structure is required to determine your treatment options. Dental X-rays and other records may be needed to plan the treatment.

In many cases, Invisalign prices are comparable to treatment with conventional braces. Depending on the factors, Invisalign may even be less expensive. Call us today to learn more about our Invisalign prices in Los Angeles or to schedule your consultation. 

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