Monday, May 18, 2015

Inlays and Onlays for Dental Restorations

Dental inlays and onlays are an excellent alternative to traditional fillings and crowns. When a tooth is badly damaged, a conventional filling may not adequately restore the tooth and can sometimes lead to additional damage. However, dental crowns require extensive preparation, which can lead to the loss of healthy tooth structure. Inlays are often used to fill only the area of damage, but can be placed even when large areas of damage exist. Our Santa Clara dentist can help you decide if you are a candidate for an onlay or an inlay.

The two restorations are quite similar. An inlay is used to fill the cavity or damage on the chewing surface between the cusps. An onlay is used when one or more cusps are involved in the damage. For treatment, you will need two dental appointments to complete the process. At the first appointment, the diseased tissue will be removed and an impression will be taken. The impression is sent to the dental lab to make your new inlay or onlay. Once it is ready, it will be sent back to the dentist, who will then bond it to your tooth. These types of restorations can last just as long as crowns but require less preparation. Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our Santa Clara dentist.

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