Wednesday, November 23, 2016

When are Dentures the Best Option for Replacing Teeth?

Dentures are one of the oldest forms of tooth replacement. Today’s dentures offer comfortable, natural-looking pontics for those who have lost some or all of their teeth. Our Huntington Beach dentist offers both full and partial dentures, and can help you decide if they are the best option for recreating your smile.

A partial denture can be a great option for those who are missing only some teeth in an arch. It is held in place by a frame or clasps, which allow it to be removed for cleaning. This type of denture fills the gap in your smile and helps keep your bite balanced, so that you can chew comfortably while preventing teeth from drifting.

A full denture is a good option for those who are missing all of the teeth in a jaw. This type of denture consists of artificial teeth on a gum-colored acrylic base. The base is designed to fit your arch precisely and uses both suction and gravity to stay in place. The denture restores your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Call our Huntington Beach dentist today to learn more about dentures and whether they are the best option for you.

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