Monday, November 21, 2016

What to Expect from Emergency Root Canal Cases

Most root canals are not emergencies, but if a tooth is cracked, broken, badly decayed, or otherwise damaged all the way to the pulp of the tooth, it will need a root canal as soon as possible. Getting hurt during a basketball game or car accident, suffering a blow to the face, or falling can all lead to this type of dental damage. Our Los Angeles emergency dentists can help.

When a tooth is this severely damaged, an infection can develop quickly, so it is important that you seek help as soon as possible. We will evaluate the tooth and determine the best treatment to stabilize your dental health. An emergency root canal is not necessarily different from any other root canal. We will numb the tooth and the area surrounding the tooth for your comfort. The injured or diseased pulp will then be removed. The root canals will be cleaned, shaped, and then sealed to protect them from re-infection.

You may experience some tenderness after the root canal until the inflammation is completely gone. We may prescribe antibiotics or medication to help relieve the pain and manage any infection. After the root canal, you will need to schedule an appointment to have the tooth restored permanently so that it will continue to function healthfully. Call our expert in emergency root canal in LA to learn more.

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