Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Are Porcelain Veneers the Right Option for Me?

Many flaws can develop on and in the teeth, but not all will threaten your dental health. A small chip in a tooth, for example, will not make the smile look good, but is not a serious health concern. In cases such as this, patients have the choice of fixing each of their flaws individually with treatments and procedures, or simply cover them with dental veneers.

Dental veneers are thin strips of porcelain that are bonded to the front of the visible teeth to mask unsightly faults. Porcelain in usually used, as it is very similar to dental enamel in both strength and look. Patients can choose to place veneers on all of their visible teeth, or only the ones with flaws they want to cover.

Types of flaws dental veneers can be used for include:

•    Stains and discolorations
•    Chips and cracks
•    Small and misshapen teeth
•    Crooked teeth
•    Gaps and other spacing issues

Potential patients of our expert in porcelain veneers in San Francisco should be aware that this cosmetic option does require some preparation to the teeth. Some enamel must be removed for the veneers to be placed, in order for the teeth to not look too big or misshapen. This means that veneers are a permanent addition to the smile, a fact that should be taken into account when determining whether this option is right for you.

Contact our San Francisco cosmetic dentists for more information.

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